Kings Park School District: R.J.O. Intermediate School
Welcome to RJO TV
Welcome to RJO TV
RJO TV was introduced
to R.J.O. Intermediate School fourth and fifth grade students during the 2014-2015 school
year. The IPTVflix program was proposed to a local foundation by students
last year and as a result, the foundation donated the funds to purchase the
system. The learning process from the start of the year to present time
was exciting and challenging.
Students have taken on so many responsibilities
including programming, management of studio, research, etc. The student
body looks forward to seeing what RJO’s TV Crew has in store each week. RJO
Intermediate School Principal Rudy Massimo asked some of his students what their favorite part of
the program was. "We wouldn't always listen to announcements" commented
one student. "But now our announcements have come to life!"
With the addition of
multiple cameras and Green Screen technology, RJO students can put themselves
in any environment "virtually", or appear anywhere in the world they
want. In addition the broadcasts through the building include YouTube videos,
students’ videos highlighting musical talents and weekly book reviews. They will also be using the broadcast system to present to the entire building
Student Council videos that highlights the spirit of community, and the concept
of working together.
When asked by their
principal what this experience has taught them, student crew members happily
responded. "We run it, we didn't think we would be running it but we are.
We're doing adult jobs." When asked about performing live, one student
said "It puts a lot on us, we cannot mess up. At first we were scared, but
now we can be looser."
Contact Us if you have any questions about the program and equipment mentioned in this article. We would be happy to help your school district achieve similar results.